Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety and stress can cause changes in your behaviour and the way you think and feel about situations, resulting in symptoms such as irritability, anger, a feeling of dread and difficulty concentrating.
Worry can cause you to avoid social contact and may make it impossible to go to work. Physical conditions associated with anxiety can include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), low mood, migraine, insomnia and some skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema, acne). The relaxing techniques of hypnotherapy can help to relieve the symptoms, giving you back control of your life.
Social Anxiety

Do you feel awkward or uncomfortable around other people? You’re not alone. Social anxiety can make any social situation challenging, eating away at your confidence and stopping you from enjoying life. Feeling shy when meeting new people is normal for most of us, but if you have a hard time controlling the nerves, then you may need a little help in becoming a happier, calmer, more confident you.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I help people to correct the misguided, unconscious beliefs that have been destroying their confidence. I help them to change their perspective and feel great about themselves again.
Are you experiencing symptoms of social anxiety?

Depression is more than feeling down or fed-up for a day or two – it is a prolonged feeling of sadness for weeks or months. This may be accompanied by tearfulness, lack of motivation, feelings of intolerance to others and neglect of family and friends.
Depression can be difficult to treat and you may already be on medication so it is important that you follow the advice of your doctor. Hypnotherapy can help you to cope better with your symptoms and to get improved sleep.

Sleep is a very important process – the brain uses this time to process the information gathered during the day and leave us refreshed for the next day.
Perhaps you have trouble getting off to sleep at night with thoughts running through your head? Or maybe you wake up early feeling wide-awake but poorly equipped to face a new day?
Using the relaxation audio provided to each client, and the positive thinking encouraged by the hypnotherapy, you can get a good night’s sleep. Even those clients that do sleep well report a better quality of sleep with hypnotherapy.
Confidence and Self-Esteem

Lack of self-confidence can hold us back in our personal and professional lives. This is down to the negative belief in our ability that we hold in the sub-conscious mind.
Hypnotherapy can help to change that belief, to replace negative thought patterns with positive ones leading to a more confident outlook. When our self-esteem is low, we tend to focus on our weaknesses. We tend to be critical of ourselves and this can affect our ability to cope. Hypnotherapy can help to build up self-esteem to develop a more positive self-perception and self-empowerment.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is characterised by unpleasant symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating and changes to bowel habit. It can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety – indeed the symptoms themselves lead to anxiety and a vicious circle can occur. Relaxation and the management of stress can greatly improve symptoms.
A number of clinical studies have found hypnotherapy to be an effective treatment for IBS and as a result, hypnotherapy is recognised by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for the treatment of IBS. Suggested benefits include improved well-being and quality of life, as well as reduced constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and abdominal pain.
Public Speaking

Is your public speaking anxiety stopping you from getting ahead at work? You’re not alone. Anxiety can be paralysing, eating away at your confidence and betraying you at the very moment you need to look competent and professional. Maybe you’re fed up battling with your public speaking nerves and need some help in conquering them.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I’m helping people to let go of the limiting beliefs that have been sabotaging their potential. Imagine feeling clear-headed, articulate and self assured when speaking to your manager, a group of people or even you friends. If we can change the negative self talk, you can approach these situations with confidence.
Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania)

Is hair pulling affecting your quality of life? You are not alone. This obsessive, compulsive behaviour can lead to low self esteem, anxiety and shame. It can destroy your confidence and leave you feeling out of control. Perhaps you’ve already tried CBT or other therapies but are still struggling to stop this unwanted behaviour and would like help from a different approach.
For many people, hair pulling brings relief from a growing tension within the body. Using a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques to get to the root cause, I can help you replace this tension with comfort, so that you urge to pull is eliminated.
Are you experiencing trichotillomania?
Chronic Pain

The perception of pain is very much affected by our emotional state- if we are depressed, anxious or upset then we are likely to feel pain more. Hypnotherapy can help alleviate chronic pain by reducing these feelings and encouraging positivity.
This in turn promotes the natural chemicals in our bodies that reduce our perception of pain. Hypnotherapy can help to put you back in control of your life and your emotions.
Motivation and Performance

Sometimes we lack the energy, drive or self-confidence to get on in life and to achieve all that we want to achieve. Perhaps nerves prevent you from doing well in exams, sport or other areas of performance.
Mental rehearsal is a method of visualising a situation to improve subsequent performance. Hypnotherapy can help with this by reaching the subconscious mind and removing barriers, by tapping into your true potential.

Irrational fears and phobias are the result of an overactive survival response in the brain. Your brain recognises something it has seen or heard (a trigger) and thinks this poses a threat to your safety.
The brain will then invoke symptoms of anxiety such as an increased heart rate, sweating, churning stomach, all designed to enable you to deal with this threat and to keep you safe.
With a phobia, that trigger can be innocent and non-threatening so the increase in anxiety is inappropriate and unhelpful. Hypnotherapy can disrupt this response so that the brain no longer sees the trigger as dangerous, thus getting rid of the phobia.
Fear of Flying

Are you fed up of the fear and anxiety brought on by your flying phobia? Does even the thought of flying cause you to panic? I help people to take back control of their thoughts and feelings so that they can look forward to their flight, feeling safe and comfortable throughout.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I can help you correct the unhelpful, subconscious beliefs that are causing you to panic and expect the worst.
Are you suffering from a fear of flying?
Preparation for Conception

Whether preparing for conception by natural means or by IVF, then hypnotherapy can help to increase the chances of success.
Almost a quarter of cases of infertility have no obvious medical cause but anxiety can play a part. With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, it will improve the mind/body balance, reducing anxiety and improving the conditions for conception.
Weight Management

Many people have tried slimming clubs, calorie counting and various diets which appear successful for a while, only to find that the weight creeps back on over time.
Diets have been shown not to work in the long term. We all know that surplus weight can have serious health consequences and we are aware of the damage that sugar and junk food can do to us.
Maintaining a healthy weight can become a lifelong battle. With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, whatever triggers your bad eating habits, you can change the way you think about food, but still enjoy it.
No more battling with temptation.
Smoking Cessation

If you are a smoker and really want to give up, then you can do so with the help of hypnotherapy. You know smoking is bad for you in so many ways and you want to quit – your conscious mind tells you this.
Your subconscious mind, however, keeps you smoking because it knows it is important to you and has prioritised the behaviour. By bringing the conscious and sub-conscious mind together during hypnotherapy, the conscious mind can win the battle and you will leave therapy a non-smoker.
Are you tired of trying to quit smoking? Most of the people who come to see me are feeling frustrated and defeated by repeated failed attempts. Despite the initial motivation to quit, the cravings soon creep back in. Using patches, nicotine gum or e-cigarettes are counterproductive because they do nothing about the powerful habit that you’ve developed throughout your adult life. Perhaps you feel you need a new approach to help you become a non-smoker once and for all.
With a unique blend of curative hypnotherapy, clinical hypnotherapy, cognitive hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I focus on helping you to become a non-smoker, not an ex-smoker. This is a brief therapy approach, requiring just one single session for most people. In the rare case you need extra support, I offer a FREE four week aftercare service where you are encouraged to come back as many times as necessary free of charge in the following four weeks.
Cannabis Dependence

Are you fed up of trying to quit cannabis? Most of the people who come to see me have gone through a lot of pain and effort trying to stop smoking weed. There is an easier way though. With a unique blend of curative hypnotherapy, clinical hypnotherapy, cognitive hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I focus on helping you to become a non-smoker, not an ex-smoker.
This is a brief therapy approach, requiring just one single session for most people. In the rare case you need extra support, you are encouraged to come back as many times as necessary free of charge in the following four weeks.

Do your migraines affect your quality of life? You are not alone. I help people like you who experience frequent, persistent, debilitating headaches. Whilst painkillers and medication can help to suppress the pain, the symptoms often return. Perhaps you feel you need a new approach to finding long-lasting relief from migraines.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I help people get to the root of their migraines. There is a powerful connection between the mind and body and hypnosis is an ideal tool to influence the way you experience pain and comfort.
Sexual Probelms

Many people experience sexual difficulties at some point in their life. Some of the most common sexual problems for men are erectile dysfunction, performance anxiety and premature ejaculation. For women, it is vaginismus.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, my bespoke hypnotherapy plans can help you overcome your sexual dysfunction so that you can get on and enjoy a fulfilling sex life.
Are you experiencing sexual dysfunction?
Premature Ejaculation

Do you ejaculate sooner than you or your partner would like during sex? Is your premature climax making sex less enjoyable? You’re not alone. I help men like you to conquer their sexual performance worries and regain control over their body with premature ejaculation hypnotherapy.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I can help you get to the root cause of your premature ejaculation so that you can look forward to an enjoyable, satisfying sex life.
Erectile Dysfunction

Is your sexual performance anxiety affecting your sex life? Has your GP confirmed that there’s no physical cause? Most of the men who seek my help have been experiencing their erectile dysfunction for some time. They’ve tried Viagra and other medicines but they want to find a natural and effective way of achieving strong, continuous erections.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I help men like you to correct unhelpful, subconscious beliefs that have been sabotaging their sexual performance. I help them to achieve successful, long-lasting erections, banish self-doubt and feel confident that the positive changes they experience from therapy are here to stay.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Are you feeling paralysed by your OCD? You are not alone. The intrusive thoughts and obsessive behaviours can be debilitating and cause a lot of distress. Perhaps you have tried CBT or other therapies but are still struggling to control your compulsions and could benefit from a new approach.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I help people to identify, and more importantly, correct the cause of their OCD so they can get back to enjoying life again.
Are you suffering from OCD symptoms?

Do you find sex painful or impossible? Is fear preventing you from relaxing and letting go? You’re not alone. I help women like you to conquer their fear of penetration and regain control of their body.
With a blend of hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching techniques, I can help you get to the root cause of your vaginismus so that you can look forward to a pleasurable, satisfying sex life.
Are you experiencing symptoms of vaginismus?

Are you fed up with the never-ending cycle of sore skin, itching and scratching? You are not alone. Most of my clients come to see me having tried all the creams, UV treatments, allergy tests and/or cortisone injections, diets and nutritional plans and yet still their symptoms persist. Perhaps you’re looking for a new approach to find long-term relief from eczema.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP, I help people to identify the triggers and cause of their eczema, so they can regain control and start enjoying clear, soothed skin.

Are you fed up with the distressing cycle of painful spots, picking, squeezing and unsightly scars? You are not alone. Most of my clients come to see me having tried all the creams, medication, diets and nutritional plans and yet still their symptoms persist. Perhaps you’re looking for a new approach to find long-term relief from acne without the unpleasant side effects of medication.
With a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP techniques, I help people to identify the triggers and cause of their acne, and support them in their return to clear, healthy skin and emotional wellbeing.
Porn Addiction

Do you need help overcoming your addiction to porn? Is it affecting your relationships, health or career? You’re not alone. I see many people who’ve spent years battling with this addiction and need help to break the habit.
With a blend of hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching techniques, I’m helping people get to the root of their porn addiction so they can take back control and re-establish a healthy relationship with porn.
Porn addiction hypnotherapy can help if you:
Spend hours a day watching porn to the detriment of other activities
Feel out of control and powerless to stop
Experience pain or discomfort from excessive sexual gratification
Have unrealistic expectations about sex
Struggle to maintain libido or erections during sex
Feel guilt, shame or embarrassment
Have relationship or intimacy issues

Do you suffer from a constant or intermittent ringing or buzzing in the ears? Is tinnitus affecting your quality of life? You are not alone. For over 20 years I’ve been helping people to live freely from these irritating and intrusive sounds.
With a blend of hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching techniques, I help people to identify the triggers and cause of their tinnitus, so they can regain control and get back to enjoying life again.
Are you suffering from tinnitus?
Eating Disorder

Is your relationship with food controlling your life? Is your self-esteem wrapped up in how much you weigh?
You’re not alone.
When you become fixated on what and how much you eat, it can be all-consuming not to mention obsessive, ardent and agonising. The result – you feel increasingly anxious, depressed and withdrawn.
Such problems are closely related to and can be indicators of eating disorders like Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa and other mental health issues.
Eating disorders need to be treated as soon as possible as they can cause severe damage to your mental and physical health. Perhaps you’ve already tried CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) or other therapies but are still struggling to overcome your eating disorder and are now looking for a different approach.